About All Things Polar

ATP is loaded with myriad crevasses of information, into which you can fall for hours, (no worries, for reading and exploration only). If you have the slightest interest in polar related exploration or your own polar travel, museums to visit around the world, memorial tributes, cultures, people past and present, climate effects on the polar regions, books, or song, you are certain to find something of interest on ATP.

Why All Things Polar?

Though endless sources of information about the poles and surrounding regions exist on multiple web sites and in many published sources, All Things Polar offers a "one stop" experience, a bit of everything for everyone. So whether you’re an armchair explorer, interested in Inuit culture, wondering where to visit on your next trip to England, or you are thinking about a "bucket list" trip to the top or bottom of planet earth, start your journey with All Things Polar. Besides ATP, check out this partial list of other sites to inform and educate you (listed in random order, and does not constitute an endorsement): The Antarctic Circle, Cool Antarctica, Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty, International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators, and Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators.

Who are we?

Richard Gillerman, ATP’s primary author, is a physician who has travelled the world extensively, both for adventure and while providing free medical care to patients in low income countries. His keen interest in all things polar is a result of a longstanding interest in the history of polar exploration, climate change affecting the poles and our earth today, and a desire to promote, in addition to the polar regions themselves, the many polar related sites, museums, and tributes located around the world.

Why so few pictures?

While beautiful pictures can certainly bring a website to life, they take up significant space and often do little to impart information. There are many polar images easily viewable on the web, whether on a polar operator’s or myriad other sites; it was a conscious decision to minimize the number of images on ATP. We trust that you will focus on the valuable content and go elsewhere to view the polar bears, penguins, sea ice, and beautiful polar landscapes.

Why ATP?

The name “All Things Polar” was chosen for several reasons. The name represents the broad areas of inclusion which we present to you on this web site, to pique your interest and increase your knowledge whether about historical or contemporary polar issues. But there is another critical reason, obvious to those who dabble in the biological sciences, whether as an amateur or professional. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is our body’s source of energy. ATP is produced in our cells and is what keeps us running 24x7x365. ATP has fueled our human explorations at the poles these past four centuries. It grants each of us the good fortune to be able to read, whether the words on this web site or those written about a famous polar explorer, an expedition of interest, the culture of indigenous people in the polar regions, or the latest science about climate change. And most importantly, ATP fuels our brain’s ability to dream, both large or small. So whether your own ATP is being used to think about the next polar book you’ll read, to plan your once in a lifetime trip, or to hop into a zodiac to go looking for penguins, we hope you enjoy and appreciate both this ATP site and your body’s ATP.


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on the All Things Polar website. Multiple sources of research have been cross referenced before posting a piece of information. However, primary source content, presented and cited from other sites such as Wikipedia, from published works, or information advertised or distributed commercially, are taken as accurate and have not always been verified independently outside of these and other sources. As such, All Things Polar does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of details stated on this web site as exhibits, hours and other details of and at a venue, operator, or agent may change without notice for any reason. Neither All Things Polar nor its authors may be held responsible, nor can any legal action be taken against All Things Polar or its authors for any actions taken by a user of the web site All Things Polar as result of information presented on any pages that are part of this website which result in inconvenience, harm, financial loss, or other real or perceived negative effects by the user. Users of information presented on this site agree to hold harmless All Things Polar and its authors. Independent verification by the reader or traveler before making or finalizing travel plans or paying fees to any company(s) is strongly advised.